If you are having problems with your new cartridge fitting, or being read by your printer, try the following:
- Make sure that the plastic clip and the thin protective tape strip on the cartridge printhead (usually a thin transparent blue, if present) is entirely removed. Sometimes, people forget to remove these items, and in some cases the strip doesn't get removed entirely. DO NOT remove the electronic strip from the cartridge.
- Make sure the electronic strip on the cartridge is clean. Using isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, wipe off the electronic strip (or chip) on the cartridge to make sure it is clean. Even the oil from our skin can stop a proper connection from being made between the cartridge and the machine.
If you are having problems with the ink level of your replacement or refilled cartridge, try the following:
There are 2 common methods for disabling the Canon ink level monitor:
- Press the OK/Stop/Reset/Resume button. If this doesn't work, press and hold the OK/Stop/Reset/Resume button in for 5-10 seconds. (If your printer may have 1or more of these buttons, do them individually, not at the same time.)
- You will need to locate your printers PROPERTIES or PREFERENCES. This can be located in the status bar (near the clock on a PC), or through the Control Panel. Locate and uncheck the option ENABLE STATUS MONITOR. This option is usually found in a Maintenance, Custom Settings, View Printer Status, or Options tab.
For ink level resets/bypasses, use the following for HP, Dell, and Lexmark inkjet printers:
Generally, you will want to fully read any messages being displayed on the screen. HP printers will often tell you how to continue printing. It will usually be accompanied with a warning that the quality of print cannot be guaranteed. You will need to choose to accept this message. (This message is an indication that your printer is aware that the cartridge has been refilled. Since it is no longer considered an HP product the claim is true. However, this does not mean that you're voiding your printers warranty, only that they will not offer support if a problem with the cartridge occurs.)
There are 2 common methods for bypassing the HP ink level monitor:
- Follow the on screen instructions for allowing continued use of the cartridge. If this doesn't work, press and hold the OK button for 5-10 seconds
- Press the OK/Stop/Reset/Resume button. If this doesn't work, press and hold the OK/Stop/Reset/Resume button in for 5-10 seconds. (Your printer may have 1 or more of these buttons, do them individually, not at the same time.)
If the cartridge prints poorly, or does not print at all:
The cartridge may need a little help to get going after getting bounced around during the shipment:
- Take a warm/hot, damp paper towel and hold it against the printhead for 5-10 seconds.
- Gently swipe the damp paper towel on the printhead a couple of times.
- Dry the printhead with a dry paper towel by swiping it across the printhead a couple of times.
- When you swipe the dry paper towel across the printhead you should get the three color lines (yellow, blue, and red) for a color cartridge, or a black line for a black cartridge, on the paper towel.
- Once you have the three color lines, or a black line, showing up on the paper towel the cartridge should work fine.
- You will want to repeat this activity a few times to open up all of the jets on the printhead.