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Save on PageWide Pro 577 DW MFP Compatible Cartridges

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HP PageWide Pro 577 DW MFP :

972A Black Cartridge- Click on picture for larger image
Standard Yield
(3,500 pages)
HP 972A Black

Black compatible Cartridge (Printers)
Yield: 3,500 pages @ 5% coverage
Replaces:    972X Black, F6T80AN, F6T8OAN, 972AB, 972ABK
 ★  Buy 2 or More: $29.66 apiece

972A Cyan Cartridge- Click on picture for larger image
Standard Yield
(3,000 pages)
HP 972A Cyan

Cyan compatible Cartridge (Printers)
Yield: 3,000 pages @ 5% coverage
Replaces:    972X Cyan, L0R86AN, LOR86AN, 972AC
 ★  Buy 2 or More: $29.66 apiece

972A Magenta Cartridge- Click on picture for larger image
Standard Yield
(3,000 pages)
HP 972A Magenta

Magenta compatible Cartridge (Printers)
Yield: 3,000 pages @ 5% coverage
Replaces:    972X Magenta, L0R89AN, LOR89AN, 972AM
 ★  Buy 2 or More: $29.66 apiece

972A Yellow Cartridge- Click on picture for larger image
Standard Yield
(3,000 pages)
HP 972A Yellow

Yellow compatible Cartridge (Printers)
Yield: 3,000 pages @ 5% coverage
Replaces:    972X Yellow, L0R92AN, LOR92AN, 972AY
 ★  Buy 2 or More: $29.66 apiece

   •  Different Yields: Your printer can also use these cartridges:

972X Cyan Cartridge- Click on picture for larger image
High Yield
(7,000 pages)
HP 972X Cyan

Cyan compatible Cartridge (Printers)
Yield: 7,000 pages @ 5% coverage
Replaces:    L0R05A, 976Y Extra High Yield Cyan, 972A Cyan, L0R98AN, 972X High Yield Cyan, 972XL Cyan, LOR98AN, 972XLC
 ★  Buy 2 or More: $40.46 apiece
This cartridge will not work in these printers: PageWide Pro 300 ⚫ PageWide Pro 352 DN ⚫ PageWide Pro 352 DW ⚫ PageWide Pro 377 DN ⚫ PageWide Pro 377 DW

972X Magenta Cartridge- Click on picture for larger image
High Yield
(7,000 pages)
HP 972X Magenta

Magenta compatible Cartridge (Printers)
Yield: 7,000 pages @ 5% coverage
Replaces:    L0R06A, 976Y Extra High Yield Magenta, 972A Magenta, L0S01AN, 972X High Yield Magenta, 972XL Magenta, LOS01AN, 972XLM
 ★  Buy 2 or More: $40.46 apiece
This cartridge will not work in these printers: PageWide Pro 300 ⚫ PageWide Pro 352 DN ⚫ PageWide Pro 352 DW ⚫ PageWide Pro 377 DN ⚫ PageWide Pro 377 DW

972X Yellow Cartridge- Click on picture for larger image
High Yield
(7,000 pages)
HP 972X Yellow

Yellow compatible Cartridge (Printers)
Yield: 7,000 pages @ 5% coverage
Replaces:    L0R07A, 976Y Extra High Yield Yellow, 972A Yellow, L0S04AN, 972X High Yield Yellow, 972XL Yellow, LOS04AN, 972XLY
 ★  Buy 2 or More: $40.46 apiece
This cartridge will not work in these printers: PageWide Pro 300 ⚫ PageWide Pro 352 DN ⚫ PageWide Pro 352 DW ⚫ PageWide Pro 377 DN ⚫ PageWide Pro 377 DW

972X Black Cartridge- Click on picture for larger image
High Yield
(10,000 pages)
HP 972X Black

Black compatible Cartridge (Printers)
Yield: 10,000 pages @ 5% coverage
Replaces:    L0R08A, 976Y Extra High Yield Black, 972A Black, F6T84AN, 972X High Yield Black, 972XL Black, 972XLB
 ★  Buy 2 or More: $40.46 apiece
This cartridge will not work in these printers: PageWide Pro 300 ⚫ PageWide Pro 352 DN ⚫ PageWide Pro 352 DW ⚫ PageWide Pro 377 DN ⚫ PageWide Pro 377 DW

Our Compatible Cartridges are guaranteed to give you the same results as new HP cartridges at savings of up to 50%. You use them exactly the same as you would new HP cartridges - when your printer runs empty, you remove the old cartridge, replace it with one of our Compatible Cartridges and continue printing just as you would with a new HP cartridge.  Save money without compromising print quality!

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